
Apache related information

Javascript redirects double-encoding GET query parameter such as arrays [] %255B %255D

If you are passing query parameters such as arrays, Apache may double-encode them so that %5B and %5D becomes %255B and %255D for URLs that are submitted such as: ?a[b]=1&a[c]=2&d[]=3&d[]=4&d[2][e]=5 If you are making Ajax or API calls from a Javascript library (such as via jQuery or Angular) then it will encode the URI initially, then the web server (such as Apache) will 301 or...

Icinga Web, Could not send command. Check if your webserver’s user has correct permissions for writing to the command pipe.

If you are getting this error when trying to perform actions on services or hosts in Icinga Web, most forum posts point to the configuration being correct, etc. Firstly make sure that the command pipe referenced in access.xml points to a valid place, and has icinga-cmd:icinga ownership vim /usr/local/icinga-web/app/modules/Api/config/access.xml <!-- allowed to be written to -->...

Icinga Web, Set correct write permissions for directory “/usr/local/icinga-web/app/cache”

If you have followed the Icinga install procedure through as per the installation documentation, and are having difficulty getting Icinga Web to install, you may eventually get an Agavi error saying that the cache directory is not writable (if you find the PHP errors) AgaviCacheException Failed to write cache file "/usr/local/icinga-web/app/cache/config/config_handlers...

“Could not open configuration file /usr/local/zend/etc/sites.d/zend-default-vhost-80.conf”

If you’ve upgraded from an older version of Zend Server than 5.6 up to 6.0 you may have ended up with a patched httpd.conf that references a vhost configuration file that has not been created. If you try to start Apache you may see this message: $ sudo apachectl start httpd: Syntax error on line 428 of \ /usr/local/zend/apache2/conf/httpd.conf: \ Could not open configuration file \...

“concrete5 cannot parse the PATH_INFO or ORIG_PATH_INFO information provided by your server.”

Thought I’d take a look into concrete5 to see what is was like, and it’s the first open source PHP project installer I’ve come across in ages that complained about anything other than filesystem permissions. PATH_INFO? Most other projects use different mechanisms/variables to do a similar job I assume… Anyways, go to the concrete5 install directory and create a .htaccess...

Zend Server lighttp not running (phpMyAdmin) but Apache is? How to start it manually

If for some reason you’ve powered on and while Apache seems to be running OK, lighttp isn’t (for example phpMyAdmin isn’t working on localhost:10081/phpmyadmin) then you will need to start it manually. This is probably caused by a dirty restart, such as a power failure. On Mac OS X run this command… sudo /usr/local/zend/bin/ start For Windows, I’m...

Use phpMyAdmin with a remote MySQL server

Been doing relatively proprietary work recently, so not much to share other than this little tip. If you want to use phpMyAdmin but for whatever reason the MySQL server you’re using isn’t local, you can change the host by editing line 104 in in the root of phpMyAdmin: $cfg['Servers'][$i]['host'] = 'localhost'; … and optionally the port if required...

Installing PHPUnit with Zend Server (CE) on Windows using PEAR

After a few hours of trying to figure out what was failing each time, I think I've finally found the solution (which is a combination of various other tidbits of information I've picked up from other blogs) Firstly, assuming you've got a stock installation of Zend Server or Zend Server CE, it will be installed at: C:\Program Files\Zend\ZendServer\ Therefore the PEAR setup batch file will be...

Mac OS X Apache not starting properly

Whilst trying to figure out why Zend Server CE wasn't working properly on my Mac (again...) I realised that something was wrong with the version of Apache shipped with OS X. Luckily Chris Oliver found the problem in the Apache control script.