Icinga Web, Uncaught AgaviLoggingException thrown, Cannot open file “log/debug.log”

When trying to get Icinga Web to work, you may run into issue with the log directory not being writable

Uncaught AgaviLoggingException thrown
Cannot open file "log/debug-2014-01-28.log", 
please check permissions on file or directory.

It doesn’t appear to be referencing the core directory, or any other relative directory, so the easiest fix is to create an absolute path to where you want to log files to be written to.

vi /usr/local/icinga-web/app/config/logging.xml

Then update the directories so that they point somewhere valid as below

Agavi appender to dump into filesystem
* Log files are rotated in a 7 day (AgaviRotatingFileLoggerAppender default) cycle
* Use 'cycle' parameter to alter the cycle.
<appender name="UniversalLogfileAppender" class="AgaviRotatingFileLoggerAppender" layout="ApacheStyle">
<ae:parameter name="dir">/var/icinga-log/</ae:parameter>
<ae:parameter name="prefix">icinga-web-</ae:parameter>

<appender name="DebugLogfileAppender" class="AgaviRotatingFileLoggerAppender" layout="ApacheStyle">
<ae:parameter name="dir">/var/icinga-log/</ae:parameter>
<ae:parameter name="prefix">debug-</ae:parameter>


Leave a Reply to Andrew Kirkpatrick Cancel reply

  • Hi Andrew,

    I tried the same steps and followed by restart of httpd. Unfortunately i’m encountering the same issue. Is there any other things i need to check.

    Thanks in advance.