Sports Points on DailyProgrammer

Here is my solution to the Sports Points code test on r/dailyprogrammer

You must write code that verifies the awarded points for a fictional sport are valid. This sport is a simplification of American Football scoring rules. This means that the score values must be any logical combination of the following four rewards:

  • 6 points for a “touch-down”
  • 3 points for a “field-goal”
  • 1 point for an “extra-point”; can only be rewarded after a touch-down. Mutually-exclusive with “two-point conversion”
  • 2 points for a “two-point conversion”; can only be rewarded after a touch-down. Mutually-exclusive with “extra-point”

A valid score could be 7, which can come from a single “touch-down” and then an “extra-point”. Another example could be 6, from either a single “touch-down” or two “field-goals”. 4 is not a valid score, since it cannot be formed by any well-combined rewards.

Formal Inputs & Outputs

Input Description

Input will consist of a single positive integer given on standard console input.

Output Description

Print “Valid Score” or “Invalid Score” based on the respective validity of the given score.

Sample Inputs & Outputs

Sample Input 1

Sample Output 1
Valid Score

Sample Input 2

Sample Output 2
Invalid Score

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